
This flowchart represents the high-level interaction of components under the rules folders.

Note that colors are used to highlight components which interact with other folders under the content repository.

NOTE: Since the colors have only visual effects when presented in individual flowcharts, they are very useful when analyzing multiple flowcharts together.

flowchart TD subgraph rules 1([rules]) --> |identified by| 2[rule name] 2[rule name] --> |described at| 3[rule.yml] 3[rule.yml] --> |may define platform| 4[applicability] 3[rule.yml] --> |may use| 5(jinja2 macros) 2[rule name] --> |instructed using| 6[oval] 6[oval] --> |uses format| 7([OVAL + XCCDF]) 7([OVAL + XCCDF]) --> |written at| 8[shared.xml] 8[shared.xml] --> |may use| 5(jinja2 macros) 2[rule name] --> |may have| 9(remediation) 9(remediation) --> |may use| 10[bash] 10[bash] --> |written at| 11[] 11[] --> |may use| 5(jinja2 macros) 9(remediation) --> |may use| 12[ansible] 12[ansible] --> |written at| 13[shared.yml] 13[shared.yml] --> |may use| 5(jinja2 macros) 2[rule name] --> |may have| 14[tests] 14[tests] --> |uses| 15(bash scripts) 15(bash scripts) --> |to test| 16(failure) 16(failure) --> |written at| 17[] 17[] --> |may use| 5(jinja2 macros) 15(bash scripts) --> |to test| 18(success) 18(success) --> |written at| 19[] 19[] --> |may use| 5(jinja2 macros) 14[tests] --> |may have exceptions like| 20[ocp4] 1([rules]) --> |may share| 21(variables) 21(variables) --> |written at| 22[var_name.var] 1([rules]) --> |may share| 23(properties) 23(properties) --> |written at| 24[group.yml] 24[group.yml] --> |may define platform| 4[applicability] 1([rules]) --> |may use| 25[templates] 25[templates] --> |may use| 5(jinja2 macros) end style 1 fill: #FFD700,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px style 4 fill: #00BFFF,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px style 5 fill: #FFA07A,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px style 7 fill: #D3D3D3,stroke:#333 style 14 fill: #32CD32,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px style 15 fill: #A9A9A9,stroke:#333 style 16 fill: #A9A9A9,stroke:#333 style 18 fill: #A9A9A9,stroke:#333 style 21 fill: #FFA500,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px style 23 fill: #A9A9A9,stroke:#333 style 25 fill: #9370DB,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px