Source code for ssg.content_diff


import difflib
import re
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

import ssg.xml
from ssg.constants import FIX_TYPE_TO_SYSTEM, XCCDF12_NS
from ssg.utils import mkdir_p

[docs] class StandardContentDiffer(object): def __init__(self, old_content, new_content, rule_id, show_diffs, rule_diffs, only_rules, output_dir): self.old_content = old_content self.new_content = new_content self.rule_id = rule_id self.show_diffs = show_diffs self.rule_diffs = rule_diffs self.only_rules = only_rules self.context_lines = 3 self.check_system_map = { "OVAL": {"uri": ssg.constants.oval_namespace, "comp_func": self.compare_ovals}, "OCIL": {"uri": ssg.constants.ocil_cs, "comp_func": self.compare_ocils} } self.output_dir = output_dir if self.rule_diffs: self._ensure_output_dir_exists() def _ensure_output_dir_exists(self): try: mkdir_p(self.output_dir) except OSError: print("Output path '%s' exists and it is not a directory." % self.output_dir) sys.exit(1)
[docs] def output_diff(self, identifier, diff, mode="a"): if not diff: return if self.rule_diffs: with open("%s/%s" % (self.output_dir, identifier), mode) as f: f.write(diff) else: print(diff)
def _get_rules_to_compare(self, benchmark): rule_to_find = self.rule_id if self.rule_id: if not self.rule_id.startswith(ssg.constants.OSCAP_RULE): rule_to_find = ssg.constants.OSCAP_RULE + self.rule_id rules = benchmark.find_rules(rule_to_find) return rules
[docs] def compare_rules(self, old_benchmark, new_benchmark): missing_rules = [] try: rules_in_old_benchmark = self._get_rules_to_compare(old_benchmark) except ValueError as e: print(str(e)) return for old_rule in rules_in_old_benchmark: rule_id = old_rule.get_attr("id") new_rule = new_benchmark.find_rule(rule_id) if new_rule is None: missing_rules.append(rule_id) print("%s is missing in new data stream." % (rule_id)) continue if self.only_rules: continue self.compare_rule(old_rule, new_rule, rule_id) self.compare_platforms(old_rule, new_rule, old_benchmark, new_benchmark, rule_id) if self.rule_diffs: print("Diff files saved at %s." % self.output_dir)
[docs] def compare_rule(self, old_rule, new_rule, identifier): self.compare_rule_texts(old_rule, new_rule, identifier) self.compare_checks(old_rule, new_rule, "OVAL", identifier) self.compare_checks(old_rule, new_rule, "OCIL", identifier) for remediation_type in FIX_TYPE_TO_SYSTEM.keys(): self.compare_remediations(old_rule, new_rule, remediation_type, identifier)
def _get_list_of_platforms(self, cpe_platforms, idref): cpe_list = [] if len(cpe_platforms) == 0: print("Platform {0} not defined in platform specification".format(idref)) return cpe_list elif len(cpe_platforms) > 1: print("Platform {0} defined more than once".format(idref)) for cpe_p in cpe_platforms: ET.dump(cpe_p) for cpe_platform in cpe_platforms: check_fact_refs = cpe_platform.find_all_check_fact_ref_elements() for check_fact_ref in check_fact_refs: cpe_list.append(check_fact_ref.get("id-ref")) return cpe_list
[docs] def compare_platforms(self, old_rule, new_rule, old_benchmark, new_benchmark, identifier): entries = [{ "benchmark": old_benchmark, "rule": old_rule, "cpe": [] }, { "benchmark": new_benchmark, "rule": new_rule, "cpe": [] }] for entry in entries: for platform in entry["rule"].get_all_platform_elements(): idref = platform.get("idref") if idref.startswith("#"): cpe_platforms = entry["benchmark"].find_all_cpe_platforms(idref) entry["cpe"] += self._get_list_of_platforms(cpe_platforms, idref) else: entry["cpe"].append(idref) if entries[0]["cpe"] != entries[1]["cpe"]: print("Platform has been changed for rule '{0}'".format(identifier)) if self.show_diffs: diff = self.generate_diff_text("\n".join(entries[0]["cpe"])+"\n", "\n".join(entries[1]["cpe"])+"\n", fromfile=identifier, tofile=identifier) self.output_diff(identifier, diff)
[docs] def compare_rule_texts(self, old_rule, new_rule, identifier): old_rule_text = old_rule.join_text_elements() new_rule_text = new_rule.join_text_elements() if old_rule_text == new_rule_text: return if old_rule_text != "": print( "New content has different text for rule '%s'." % (identifier)) if self.show_diffs: diff = self.generate_diff_text(old_rule_text, new_rule_text, fromfile=identifier, tofile=identifier, n=self.context_lines) self.output_diff(identifier, diff, mode="w")
[docs] def compare_check_ids(self, system, identifier, old_check_id, new_check_id): if old_check_id != new_check_id: print( "%s definition ID for rule '%s' has changed from " "'%s' to '%s'." % ( system, identifier, old_check_id, new_check_id) )
[docs] def compare_check_file_names(self, system, identifier, old_check_file_name, new_check_file_name): if old_check_file_name != new_check_file_name: print( "%s definition file for rule '%s' has changed from " "'%s' to '%s'." % ( system, identifier, old_check_file_name, new_check_file_name) )
[docs] def get_check_docs(self, system, identifier, old_check_file_name, new_check_file_name): try: old_check_doc = self.old_content.components.get(system)[old_check_file_name] except (KeyError, TypeError): print( "Rule '%s' points to '%s' which isn't a part of the " "old data stream" % (identifier, old_check_file_name)) old_check_doc = None try: new_check_doc = self.new_content.components.get(system)[new_check_file_name] except (KeyError, TypeError): print( "Rule '%s' points to '%s' which isn't a part of the " "new data stream" % (identifier, new_check_file_name)) new_check_doc = None return old_check_doc, new_check_doc
[docs] def compare_checks(self, old_rule, new_rule, system, identifier): check_system_uri = self.check_system_map[system]["uri"] old_check = old_rule.get_check_element(check_system_uri) new_check = new_rule.get_check_element(check_system_uri) if (old_check is None and new_check is not None): print("New data stream adds %s for rule '%s'." % (system, identifier)) elif (old_check is not None and new_check is None): print( "New data stream is missing %s for rule '%s'." % (system, identifier)) elif (old_check is not None and new_check is not None): old_check_content_ref = old_rule.get_check_content_ref_element(old_check) new_check_content_ref = new_rule.get_check_content_ref_element(new_check) old_check_id = old_check_content_ref.get("name") new_check_id = new_check_content_ref.get("name") old_check_file_name = old_check_content_ref.get("href") new_check_file_name = new_check_content_ref.get("href") self.compare_check_ids(system, identifier, old_check_id, new_check_id) self.compare_check_file_names(system, identifier, old_check_file_name, new_check_file_name) if (self.show_diffs and identifier != "xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_security_patches_up_to_date"): old_check_doc, new_check_doc = self.get_check_docs(system, identifier, old_check_file_name, new_check_file_name) if not old_check_doc or not new_check_doc: return self.check_system_map[system]["comp_func"](old_check_doc, old_check_id, new_check_doc, new_check_id, identifier)
[docs] def compare_ovals(self, old_oval_def_doc, old_oval_def_id, new_oval_def_doc, new_oval_def_id, identifier): old_def = old_oval_def_doc.find_oval_definition(old_oval_def_id) new_def = new_oval_def_doc.find_oval_definition(new_oval_def_id) old_els = old_def.get_elements() new_els = new_def.get_elements() old_els_text = self.serialize_elements(old_els) new_els_text = self.serialize_elements(new_els) diff = self.generate_diff_text(old_els_text, new_els_text, fromfile=old_oval_def_id, tofile=new_oval_def_id) if diff: print("OVAL for rule '%s' differs." % (identifier)) self.output_diff(identifier, diff)
[docs] def compare_ocils(self, old_ocil_doc, old_ocil_id, new_ocil_doc, new_ocil_id, identifier): try: old_question = old_ocil_doc.find_boolean_question(old_ocil_id) new_question = new_ocil_doc.find_boolean_question(new_ocil_id) except ValueError as e: print("Rule '%s' OCIL can't be found: %s" % (identifier, str(e))) return diff = self.generate_diff_text(old_question, new_question, fromfile=old_ocil_id, tofile=new_ocil_id) if diff: print("OCIL for rule '%s' differs." % identifier) self.output_diff(identifier, diff)
[docs] def compare_remediations(self, old_rule, new_rule, remediation_type, identifier): system = FIX_TYPE_TO_SYSTEM[remediation_type] old_fix = old_rule.get_fix_element(system) new_fix = new_rule.get_fix_element(system) if (old_fix is None and new_fix is not None): print("New data stream adds %s remediation for rule '%s'." % ( remediation_type, identifier)) elif (old_fix is not None and new_fix is None): print("New data stream is missing %s remediation for rule '%s'." % ( remediation_type, identifier)) elif (old_fix is not None and new_fix is not None): self._compare_fix_elements( old_fix, new_fix, remediation_type, identifier)
def _compare_fix_elements(self, old_fix, new_fix, remediation_type, identifier): old_fix_id = old_fix.get("id") new_fix_id = new_fix.get("id") if old_fix_id != new_fix_id: print( "%s remediation ID for rule '%s' has changed from " "'%s' to '%s'." % ( remediation_type, identifier, old_fix_id, new_fix_id) ) if self.show_diffs: old_fix_text = "".join(old_fix.itertext()) new_fix_text = "".join(new_fix.itertext()) diff = self.generate_diff_text(old_fix_text, new_fix_text, fromfile=identifier, tofile=identifier) if diff: print("%s remediation for rule '%s' differs." % (remediation_type, identifier)) self.output_diff(identifier, diff)
[docs] def generate_diff_text(self, old_r, new_r, fromfile="old data stream", tofile="new data stream", n=3): if old_r != new_r: diff = "".join(difflib.unified_diff( old_r.splitlines(keepends=True), new_r.splitlines(keepends=True), fromfile=fromfile, tofile=tofile, n=n)) return diff return None
[docs] def serialize_elements(self, elements): text = "" for thing, atrribute in elements: text += "%s %s\n" % (thing, atrribute) return text
[docs] class StigContentDiffer(StandardContentDiffer): def __init__(self, old_content, new_content, rule_id, show_diffs, rule_diffs, only_rules, output_dir): super(StigContentDiffer, self).__init__(old_content, new_content, rule_id, show_diffs, rule_diffs, only_rules, output_dir) self.context_lines = 200 def _get_stig_id(self, element): return element.get_version_element().text
[docs] def get_stig_rule_SV(self, sv_rule_id): stig_rule_id ='(SV-\d+)r\d+_rule', sv_rule_id) if not stig_rule_id: print("The rule '%s' doesn't have the usual STIG format: 'SV-XXXXXXrXXXXXX_rule.\n" "Please make sure the input contents are DISA STIG Benchmarks." % sv_rule_id) sys.exit(1) return
[docs] def compare_rules(self, old_benchmark, new_benchmark): missing_rules = [] try: rules_in_old_benchmark = self._get_rules_to_compare(old_benchmark) rules_in_new_benchmark = self._get_rules_to_compare(new_benchmark) except ValueError as e: print(str(e)) return # The rules in STIG Benchmarks will have their IDS changed whenever there is an update. # However, only the release number changes, the SV number stays the same. # This creates map the SV numbers to their equivalent full IDs in the new Benchmark. new_rule_mapping = {self.get_stig_rule_SV(rule.get_attr("id")): rule.get_attr("id") for rule in rules_in_new_benchmark} old_rule_mapping = {self.get_stig_rule_SV(rule.get_attr("id")): rule.get_attr("id") for rule in rules_in_old_benchmark} self.compare_existing_rules(new_benchmark, old_benchmark, rules_in_old_benchmark, new_rule_mapping) self.check_for_new_rules(rules_in_new_benchmark, old_rule_mapping) if self.rule_diffs: print("Diff files saved at %s." % self.output_dir)
[docs] def compare_existing_rules(self, new_benchmark, old_benchmark, rules_in_old_benchmark, new_rule_mapping): for old_rule in rules_in_old_benchmark: old_sv_rule_id = self.get_stig_rule_SV(old_rule.get_attr("id")) old_stig_id = self._get_stig_id(old_rule) try: new_sv_rule_id = new_rule_mapping[old_sv_rule_id] except KeyError: missing_rules.append(old_sv_rule_id) print("%s is missing in new data stream." % old_stig_id) continue if self.only_rules: continue new_rule = new_benchmark.find_rule(new_sv_rule_id) new_stig_id = self._get_stig_id(new_rule) self.compare_rule(old_rule, new_rule, new_stig_id) self.compare_platforms(old_rule, new_rule, old_benchmark, new_benchmark, new_stig_id)
[docs] def check_for_new_rules(self, rules_in_new_benchmark, old_rule_mapping): # Check for rules added in new content for new_rule in rules_in_new_benchmark: new_stig_id = self._get_stig_id(new_rule) new_sv_rule_id = self.get_stig_rule_SV(new_rule.get_attr("id")) try: old_sv_rule_id = old_rule_mapping[new_sv_rule_id] except KeyError: print("%s was added in new data stream." % (new_stig_id)) # Compare against empty rule so that a diff is generated empty_rule = ssg.xml.XMLRule(ET.Element("{%s}Rule" % XCCDF12_NS)) self.compare_rule(empty_rule, new_rule, new_stig_id)