ssg.playbook_builder module

class ssg.playbook_builder.PlaybookBuilder(product_yaml_path, input_dir, output_dir, rules_dir, profiles_dir, build_config_yaml)[source]

Bases: object

build(profile_id=None, rule_id=None)[source]

Creates Playbooks for a specified profile. If profile is not given, creates playbooks for all profiles in the product. If the rule_id is not given, Playbooks are created for every rule.

choose_variable_value(var_id, variables, refinements)[source]

Determine value of variable based on profile refinements.

create_playbook(snippet_path, rule_id, variables, refinements, output_dir)[source]

Creates a Playbook from Ansible snippet for the given rule specified by rule ID, fills in the profile values and saves it into output_dir.

create_playbook_for_single_rule(profile, rule_id, variables)[source]

Creates a Playbook for given rule specified by a rule_id. Created Playbooks are parametrized by variables according to profile selection. Playbooks are written into a new subdirectory in output_dir.

create_playbooks_for_all_rules_in_profile(profile, variables)[source]

Creates a Playbook for each rule selected in a profile from tasks extracted from snippets. Created Playbooks are parametrized by variables according to profile selection. Playbooks are written into a new subdirectory in output_dir.


Get all variables, their selectors and values used in a given benchmark. Returns a dictionary where keys are variable IDs and values are dictionaries where keys are selectors and values are variable values.

get_data_from_snippet(snippet_yaml, variables, refinements)[source]

Extracts and resolves tasks and variables from Ansible snippet.


Opens and parses profile at the given profile_path.